Biological and Fluorescence Microscopy

Biological Microscopy Digital Upgrades

Biologic observations of a specimen may not be as enough as when a set of images work as evidences to support a biologist report. Otherwise a frameset of a specimen full navigation would make the diagnosis more accurate by others review, specially once being utilized by advanced image processing tools.

Upright Microscopy Digital Upgrade

Upgrade any biologic microscopes from Zeiss and to Leica, easily with mounting the digitizer module on top of the third eye in all three stabdards of C-Mount, 35mm and 25mm. Facile calibration tool on system helps the installation user to adjust an in field and in focus image to what biologist observes during the operation. Regardless of the live view, simultaneous framesets and images could be captured and sent to DICOM servers, as with their capability to be post processed and annotated. Real time image processing algorithms make the acquired visual data identical to what the biologist perceives.

Comply with Most Brands

Captures Exact Observation

Additional Vision to Human’s

Real Time Image Adjustment

Real Time Image Processing

Enhanced Depth Perception

Highly Ergonomic

Post Processing Tools

DICOM Export to PACS

Easy and Fast Installation

Biologic Microscopy Digital Upgrade

Upgrade to Digital Fluorescence Microscopy

Falcon’s advanced upgrade to dark field Fluorescence Microscopy, transforms conventional upright microscopes to a state of the art bio-pathological modality for enhancement of your biological workflow. Utilized by a set of excitation and emission filters, it covers all 8 protocols required in this application by 17 filters to regulate the biologic data spectrum. High quantum efficiency detection with high frequency sources accompanies the post processing software to map different protocol outcomes for a multispectral result. Autofluorescence and DICOM send to PACS are its extensive privileges.

Comply with Most Brands

9 Fluorescence Protocols

Enhanced Depth Perception

Real Time Image Adjustment

Real Time Image Processing

Highly Ergonomic

Post Processing Tools

DICOM Export to PACS

Easy and Fast Installation

Standalone Functionality

Digital Upgrade to Fluorescence Microscopy

Biological Accuracyof the Acquired Data

For an image acquisition system to reveal what a biologist observe through out a specimen navigation, Falcon Ray solves complex problems in terms of real time image processing, adjustment, synchronization and physical photonics. This extends value to an archived biological visual data to be used further ot be obtained by second opinion any-time and any-where.

Once capturing the image or a frameset, the camera sensor could be driven in a way to enhance vision for what human eye is naked to. This could be imaging within the NIR frequency band as well as special image manipulations to reveal or project specific defects for biologists to be extracted from the camera raw data. This gives the operation user a wider choice to illustrate any analytical action than the time a captured image or framset is processed. Sensor raw data is very much wider to navigate through than images with headers that could be only available for post processing options.

Digital Camera Dynamic Range, Gray Level and Color Gamut, Whitebalancing

Any digital camera has an entity called the Dynamic Range, which is referred to the distance between the whitest white and the blackest black. This gray level is likewise applied to colors. When a camera sensor provides its image data to the Image Signal Processor of the camera, it is crucial for image processing algorithms to drive the sensor in a way that splits the dynamic range across the area in, where the required clinical data is present. Therefore it is crucial for microscope upgrades to capture the exact biologist’s observation of colors by adjusting the right point for the true white in real time.

Human visual understanding of luminescence and brightness encounters the value of pupil diameter along with retinal rod receptors and neuro-pulsation efficiency of brain. Otherwise, the biologist may be dealing with some extent of cataract that makes it hard to understand their luminous and brightness understanding. In digital imaging though, sensors quantum efficiency and optical elements including the adjustment lens and aperture play crucial roles in image brightness. However as long as Falcon Ray digital systems considers biologists only tool to adjust the brightness to be their light source intensity tool, real time imaging algorithms are applied to image capture, in order to synchronize the digitized amplitude of data and dynamic range to cover all possible observations as an average human vision.

Microscopes play a crucial role in day to day patho-biological practices. Stereo vision is a human factor that gives us the understanding of depth perception as with other hunter species known to ecology. Once however digital imaging is employed, a 2D image is reconstructed that would not synthesize a 3D vision as the human brain does. It is therefore important to make such an impression throughout the reconstructed image by the correct equation of aperture and focal length adjustment to reach the correct focus depth for biologic applications with respect to the magnification of operation. New solutions use polarized 3D Vision that may result visual data elimination.