Slitlamp Photonics - Slitlamp Power Supply and Slitlamp Source Transformer

Ophthalmic Imaging

With more than eight years of experience in ophthalmic imaging, Falcon develops leading edge solutions for digital imaging that are aimed to gain a higher quality in clinical data, increase the ergonomics of study and eliminates the clinical costs (hazards of study) over both patients and clinicians. The cited solutions are mostly being implemented through digital and application upgrade as well as upgrades to advanced photonics for Slitlamp microscopy and Retinal imaging.

Digital Upgrades and Application Enhancement

Digital imaging is considered to be the gateway of patients electronic medical record for standardized archiving and communication among interdisciplinary ophthalmic practices. Falcon is therefore providing state of the art digital upgrades to help conventional devices being able to Joining PACS networks, using DICOM images and framesets that deliver the ultimate accuracy of clinical data.

Otherwise as conventional ophthalmic imaging modalities enjoy the capability of navigation through patient’s ocular system as the new devices, Falcon digital upgrades employ leading edge enhancements to achieve novel imaging protocols and methods to gain a higher state of clinical data than before.

Slitlamp Microscopy

Upgrade your conventional Slitlamp devices to its state of the art version, utilized by digital imaging when simultaneous acquisition of clinical data meets the highest possible accuracy, in comparison with clinicians observation of patients ocular system. Advanced real time image processing functions, allows Falcon digital upgrades for Slitlamps to both imply the reality of what has been clinically reviewed to its digitized data, as well as revealing those conditions that could be naked to human eye or may require alternative processing to assist ophthalmologists to gain additional information from patients ocular environment.

Comply with Most Brands

Captures Exact Observation

Additional Vision to Human’s

Real Time Image Adjustment

Real Time Image Processing

High Clinical Ergonomy

Post Processing Tools

DICOM Export to PACS

Easy and Fast Installation

Standalone Functionality

Slitlamp Digital Upgrade

Retinal Imaging

Falcon’s advanced upgrade to Retinal imaging, transforms conventional retinal cameras to a state of the art retinal modality that provides retinoscopy and simoultanious image capture with high resolution and high frame rates. Otherwise it is capable of revealing clinical data from both the vascular and fiber tissues as the surgen observes among remedial operations. The application upgrade to Fluorescein Angiography acquires clinical data with less injection dose and works in low light conditions with no flash. Fondus Autofluorescence is the alternative protocol for the system to be upgraded with.

Digital Color Fundus

Digital Red-Free and FAF

FA Frameset of 24Fps – 2MP

Simoultanious Image Capture

Vascular and Tissue Data

No Flash Low Light Imaging

Less Injection Dose for FA

Post Processing Tools

DICOM Export to PACS

Easy and Fast Installation

Digital Upgrade to Fluorescence Angiography and Fundus Autofluorescence

Synchronized Digitization with Human Visual Understanding

When adopting digital imaging to archive and distribute the clinical observations from patients eye, not always what has been observed may be viewed in its digitized form. Falcon employs real time image processing and adjustment to push the digitized data as near as possible to cliicians observation in real time without ophthalmologists capability of being an expert photographer. This encounters the reality in depth and tissue perception, as well as coloring and dynamic range.

Slitlamp Digital Upgrade Perception of Depth

Slitlamps are the microscopes that play a crucial role in ophthalmic day to day practices. Stereo vision is a human factor that gives us the understanding of depth perception as with other hunter species known to ecology. Once however digital imaging is employed, a 2D image is reconstructed that would not synthesize a 3D vision as the human brain does. It is therefore important to make such an impression throughout the reconstructed image by the correct equation of aperture and focal length adjustment to reach the correct focus depth of the ophthalmic review applications with respect to the magnification of study.

Luminance and Isochronism in Digital Microscopy

Human visual understanding of luminescence and brightness encounters the value of pupil diameter along with retinal rod receptors and neuro-pulsation efficiency of brain. Otherwise, the clinician may be dealing with some extent of cataract that makes it hard to understand their luminous and brightness understanding. In digital imaging though, sensors quantum efficiency and optical elements including the adjustment lens and aperture play crucial roles in image brightness. However as long as Falcon Ray digital systems considers clinicians only tool to adjust the brightness to be their light source intensity tool, real time imaging algorithms are applied to image capture, in order to synchronize the digitized amplitude of data and dynamic range to cover all possible observations as an average human vision.

Digital Camera Dynamic Range, Gray Level and Color Gamut, Whitebalancing

Any digital camera has an entity called the Dynamic Range, which is referred to the distance between the whitest white and the blackest black. This gray level is likewise applied to colors. When a camera sensor provides its image data to the Image Signal Processor of the camera, it is crucial for image processing algorithms to drive the sensor in a way that splits the dynamic range across the area in, where the required clinical data is present. Therefore it is crucial for Slitlamp upgrades to capture the exact clinician’s observation of colors by adjusting the right point for the true white in real time.

Real Time Image Processing for Slitlamp Digital Upgrades

Once capturing the image or a frameset, the camera sensor could be driven in a way to enhance vision for what human eye is naked to. This could be imaging within the NIR frequency band as well as special image manipulations to reveal or project specific defects for ophthalmologists to be extracted from the camera raw data. This gives the physician a wider choice to illustrate any clinical disorders than the time a captured image or framset is processed. Sensor raw data is very much wider to navigate through than images with headers that could be only available for post processing options.

Retinal Imaging Hostility

Retinal imaging has been always dealing with specific hostility in light intensity, contrast media dose and simultaneous capture of vascular data among the fiber tissue. Otherwise capturing the addressed retinal data in a cardiac angiography standard of 24 frames per second with 2MP of image resolution and 10 bits of depth, could be a leading edge method to retinal imaging.

Retinal Imaging Perception of Depth

Angiographic studies are not performed by stereo microscopes in retinal imaging. It is therefore not easy to gain a correct depth preception in such 2D images. Otherwise, high magnification level makes it even harder to unify the focus for the understanding of macular and cup-disc disorders among the vascular and fiber tissue. Therefore a contrast based image processing would assistclinicians to gain depth perception andunderstanding from Fluorescein Angiography and Retinal Photographies.

Low Light Retinal Imaging in Fluorescence Angiography

Retinal imaging has been so far possible via flashing the patient with high energies or the adoption of SLO. In both situations either some critical frames or clinical data is sacrificed. However with enhancement of quantum efficiency and advanced digital imaging algorithms it is possible to acquire the true range of clinical data without flashing the patient and capturing framesets of 24Fps with reasonable resolutions such as 2MP, utilized by low light amplitudes around 1 lux to eliminate patient’s agitation.

Retinal Imaging Fundus Color and Whitebalancing

Thus retinal imaging encounters a diversity of excitation and barrier filters to limit the acquired data to a specific clinical defect or retinal layer, white balancing and color leveling algorithms are not supposed to work as usual. Meanwhile the dynamic range is being spread across the range of clinical data, it must maintain to capture the frequency bands received as it could be observed by human eye to be the same with what ophthalmologists observe among the surgery. This involves more advanced real time image processing algorithms to impact the way that Image Signal Processor drives the sensor and navigate throughout its obtained data.

Retinal imaging encounters a wide range of clinical data from different layers of Retina to Choroid. it is therefore difficult for a specific application to acquire data from multiple defects simultaneously through a limited golden time, such as the early stages of fluorescein angiography. It is likewise crucial for retinal images to illustrate what the surgeon is going to observe at the operation theater. Advanced image processing algorithms and new sensor drive methods by the ISP make such demands possible.

Low and High Frequency Power Generators for Slitlamp

As with Slitlamp microscopy, Retinal imaging consists of navigation through patient’s ocular system to the deep end layer of Choroid. Therefore high frequency cold light sources would obtain much of a better data, with respect to patient co-operation and syncronity of digital imaging systems with light pulsations and amplitude. The visual data quality would be likewise enhanced by higher data with lower luminance among with the least of patient agitation and enhancement of sensor drive algorithms.

Slitlamp Photonics

We care about both the Ophthalmologist and Patient! Falcon advanced photonics solution would bring a practice less clinical hazards and higher visual data quality, as well as enhanced ergonomics of Slitlamp Microscopy involving both patient’s co-operation and clinician’s conformity.

Slitlamp Power Supply (SLPS)

Simply change your power transformer with a compatible unit of high frequency power supply that provides both a range of V to 8V for lamp and the 5V indicator light for patient to use as target. Enjoy the flicker less clinical reviews with your Slitlamp with least patient agitation and no cognitive or asthenopic disorders at the end of the day. Gaining a higher rate of visual data with lower light amplitude to increase the quality of care and reduce the dose for both ophthalmologists and patients.

High Frequency Power

Flicker-less Light

Lower Light with Higher Data

Installation Compatibility

Reduced Risk of Myopia

No Asthenopic Disorders

Least Patient Agitation

A lifetime of 4000 Hours

Slitlamp Power Supply - High Frequency Generator

Slitlamp Source Transformer (SLST)

A simple solution to replace your old lamp with. A photonic upgrade that brings high frequency emission of light with cold characteristics that reduces patient agitations and clinician’s ocular and cognitive damages, as well as higher visual data quality with flickerless and no heat generating IR or harmful UV Photons. All enclosed in a single package that works with both low frequency and high frequency power generators to emit a uniform light for all wavelength studies by Slitlamp Microscopy.

Low to High Frequency Light

Uniform Light with no IR Heat

No Ultraviolet (β-) Ionization

Reduced Risk of Cataract

Reduced Risk of Myopia

No Asthenopic Disorders

Least Patient Agitation

A lifetime of 530 Hours

Falcon Ray SLST V.4.6 - Slitlamp LED Cold Light Source

Low and High Frequency Power Sources

As with X-Ray the old generation of ocular microscopy was based on low frequency photonics that encountered the users with such liability of low visual data quality and excessive dose. However as high frequency power generators positively effected imaging through X-Ray, visual photonics could privilege from the same evolution.

Low and High Frequency Power Generators for Slitlamp

Most of slitlamps have been equiped with a low frequency transformer to illuminate their bulbs between 100 to 120 times per second. However, filtered high frequency power generators switch the power for tens of thousands of times and precisely control the illumination level by controlling the width of each pulse, resulting a linear and regulated DC voltage to be delivered to the illumination source of the device.

Low Frequency Power Supply for Slitlamp Causes Flicker and Asthenopia

Light flickers caused by low frequency oscillations have reported to lead to lack of visual data quality and would cause asthenopic disorder for ophthalmologists. Myopia could be the other risk factor for ophthalmologist to be affected while trying to identify clinical defects among 50 or 60 Hertz of flicker noise. This is reported to be the reason of rapid movements of ciliary muscles and iris to reconstruct a focused image across the human visual system.

Low Frequency Power Supply for Slitlamp Causes Light Flicker and Patient Agitation

Light flickers also cause patient agitations that result a lower quality in the ergonomics of Slitlamp clinical reviews.

Regardless of flicker liability, according to the Root Mean Square Value, low frequency power sources could be less efficient in visual data quality. Therefore high frequency power sources, would deliver more clinical data to the doctor with a same voltage rating, whichmeans reduction in dose.

Hot and Cold Light Sources

Cold characteristic is addressed to the privilege of a light source that does not expose the ocular tissues to heat generating and harmful photons including the Infrared or ionizing radiation among the UV frequency band.

Incandescent and Halogen Lamps for Slitlamp Light UV and IR Radiation

Most of slitlamps are equipped with either Incandescent or Halogen lamps as their light source. Both of these illumination solutions emit way more infrared than visible spectrum that causes heat and agitation in patient and ophthalmologists ocular systems. Otherwise Halogen lamps emit an amount of UV radiation that is harmful to human cell with respect to the ionizing effect of β- particles.

Ideal 5000 Kelvin LED for Slitlamp in Ophthalmology

LEDs on the other hand are those semiconductors that could be coated with specific material to relatively emit a specified range of wavelengths, in accordance with Slitlamp microscopy requirements. As long as these sources would be free from the UV radiation and emit a small amplitude of IR photons, they could be considered as Cold light sources with no harm and hazard to ocular tissue.

Hot and Cold Light Sources for Slitlamp with the Tradeoff Between Patient Agitation and Clinical Ergonomics

Thus the LEDs work with high frequency power supplies, doctors would enjoy the advantages of flicker-less clinical reviews that eliminate asthenopic issues to involve doctors’ cognitive system. Cold sources would likewise bring a more comfortable clinical review for both patients and ophthalmologists that results to increased value and quality of clinical data. Regardless of diagnostic privileges, operational ergonomics could be the other enhanced factor by the described sources of light. This could be so sensible in hostile cases including the removal of surgical sutures.

Despite Infrared spectrum is naked to human eye, digital cameras are able to pick NIR signals and turn them into diagnostic images. Hence the tiny IR amount of such Cold Light Sources could be even more beneficial, when the Slitlamp is upgraded by a digital camera in diagnosing a variety of ophthalmic disorders such as the Mhibomian Glands Dysfunctioning.